Privacy Policy 

Effective date: October 17, 2023

Last modified: October 17, 2023

Digital Hub Denmark operates  

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Digital Hub Denmark respects your right to privacy

Digital Hub Denmark (hereinafter also; “we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our website visitors and users. Digital Hub Denmark encourages you to read this privacy policy.

With this privacy policy, we would like to inform you in full about the nature, extent and purpose of the personal data processed by us, and your rights as a data subject (hereinafter: “you”, “your”).

Digital Hub Denmark complies with the principles of GDPR and will always follow its six guiding principles of lawfulness, transparency and fairness; purpose limitation; data minimisation; accuracy; storage limitation and; confidentiality and integrity.

Consenting to our privacy policy

By using, you consent to the collection and use of your information by Digital Hub Denmark, as set forth in this statement.

Our website contains links to third party websites. Digital Hub Denmark is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites. The collection of your personally identifiable information on such sites is not subject to our control and the collection practices of these sites will be governed by the privacy policy on these sites.

How we collect personal data

There are two different ways Digital Hub Denmark collects personal data:

1. Personal data you provide to Digital Hub Denmark

Digital Hub Denmark does not require the information listed hereunder to obtain access to any part of the Site that is open to the public. 

You will provide Digital Hub Denmark with personal data when you correspond with Digital Hub Denmark via the Website, either on your own behalf or on behalf of an enterprise. You will provide us with personally identifiable information, incl. name, title, enterprise name, CVR, e-mail address and phone number, when you sign up to become a ‘registered user’. You will also provide us with personal data when you subscribe to receiving our marketing. 

2. Personal data we collect automatically

As you use the website, Digital Hub Denmark will collect technical data including your browser type and version, operating system, the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, the URL of the linking page if you visit via another website, and your usage habits on our site, such as pages visited and time spent. Digital Hub Denmark collects this data using cookies.

(A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. A cookie file is passive and cannot spread computer viruses or other malicious programs. Often they help to analyse how the website is used in order to improve the user experience. In several cases, cookies may be necessary to provide a service. Usually, cookies are deleted from the browser automatically when it is closed (so-called session cookies). Cookies can also be set with an expiration time so that data exists for a shorter or longer period (persistent cookies). Persistent cookies are usually stored on the hard disk.)

Our purposes for collecting personal data

  • Verifying your identity – for example when you return to the website and have already logged in.
  • Sending you service messages by e-mail about your subscription or account registration – for example, if you have clicked a password reset link.
  • Dealing with and responding to you about your user-generated content.
  • Enabling you to share our content with others using social media or email.
  • Personalised communication with you through our newsletters, but only those you have consented to receive.
  • Contacting you by e-mail or phone regarding your content or profile on
  • For in-house research and analysis, to improve our understanding of visitor/user needs, support strategic development, and improve our web content and design. All results of any research and analysis will be anonymised or aggregated information, will not reveal any personal details of individual visitors or users, and is shared only with our sponsors, exhibitors and business partners.
  • We log and use information about any service errors or interruptions that you have experienced in order to help us create fixes and to make technical improvements to our website.
  • We may use personal information to enforce this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

We are not interested in all data

Other than as expressly set out in this policy, we do not use any of your personally identifiable information (which is any information that identifies you or can be used to identify you), nor do we track or collect it other than as stated above so that we can provide you with our products & services. We also do not track or collect any of your sensitive information, including information such as your race, religion, ethnicity, and political opinion.

Digital Hub Denmark does not intentionally or knowingly process personal information from individuals under the age of 16, without having been given consent by the holder of parental responsibility for the child. When aware, every effort will be made to delete any details of such users.

Legal basis for processing your personal data

As stated in sections above, by using out, you consent to the collection and use of your information by Digital Hub Denmark, as set forth in this statement.

Where the legal basis for us processing your personal data is that you have provided your consent, you may withdraw your consent anytime. Withdrawing your consent will not make our processing of your data prior to your withdrawal of consent unlawful.

You can withdraw your consent by contacting

Keeping your personal information and keeping it secure

We will keep your information only for as long as it is relevant and useful for the purpose for which it was originally collected.

The security of your personal information is greatly important to us. Sadly, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We ensure you that we do everything reasonably possible and commercially acceptable to protect information about you against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction, by monitoring our services for potential vulnerabilities and attacks.  However, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Assessing and updating your personal information

You can ask for a copy of the personal information we may hold about you, or for your data to be deleted via

Data processing for delegations visits

All personal data collected upon booking (name, date of the visit, organisation, position, work e-mail and country) and newsletter subscriptions will be kept confidential in Digital Hub Denmark’s information system. We will not sell, share or rent the collected data to third parties.

Visitor data will be used internally for the purpose of improving services and marketing the topics listed in clause 1, including providing feedback to visitors or their representative and supplying the visitor before and after the visit with information related to the objectives listed in clause 1 of the rules for visiting Digital Hub Denmark.

At the request of the organiser, prior information on VIP visits will not be disclosed, although the visit of the entire delegation will be covered in social media after the visit.

When submitting visitor data to Digital Hub Denmark, the organiser is aware that he/she is submitting the data listed in the first paragraph above, and that Digital Hub Denmark is involved in the aforementioned procedures.

By the time of booking a visit to Digital Hub Denmark, the visitors in the delegation will have given their consent to the organiser to process their data under the above Terms and Conditions. Upon booking, the organiser shall communicate the consent of the organiser and the delegation members for the processing of their personal data.

Transfer of personal data

As the internet is a global environment, collecting and processing personal information may involve the transmission of this data internationally, including outside of the European Union. Therefore, using our website and by communicating electronically with us you acknowledge and agree to your personal data being processed in this way.

Sharing personal information with third parties

The data we gather is used in aggregated reports (meaning you cannot be identified personally from this information), only for use by Digital Hub Denmark and is shared only with our partners and collaborators.

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to comply with applicable laws and government or regulatory bodies’ lawful requests for information. We may also have to release information because of a legal requirement on us or pursuant to a court order.

Your personal details may be shared with third-party organisations we have contracted to provide services to us, which include securing user-safety on our website and processing data – for example, to send you the emails you have signed up for, or managing customer relations. Digital Hub Denmark uses reputable third parties, who provide adequate safeguards to ensure your data is stored and handled securely.

Our digital services are connected with functions and systems of third parties in many ways, such as through the integration of plug-ins of social networks of third parties, in particular, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Xing or Twitter, or if you visit our content on third-party websites (e.g. Facebook Fanpages etc.). If you have a user account with these third parties, it may also be possible for these third parties to measure and evaluate your use of our digital services. In this case, further personal data, such as IP address, personal browser settings and other parameters can be transmitted to these third parties and stored there. Digital Hub Denmark has no control over the use of your personal data collected by third parties and assumes no responsibility or liability.

Analytic services

Digital Hub Denmark uses Google Analytics, a web analysing service owned by Google Inc. Users/visitors who have enabled JavaScript when visiting our website, are tracked through Google Analytics. Google Analytics collects this information anonymously and reports website trends to us. Google Analytics data is shared with Google.

For more information on Google Analytics or to opt-out of having your information shared through Google Analytics, please click here.

For further information on how Google uses the data collected from our site, click here.

Publicly shared information

Digital Hub Denmark does not share your personal information publicly. However, and only concerning registered users, the information you choose to make public on your enterprise profile will be disclosed publicly. Meaning that you provide the relevant information about your organisation, on behalf of the organisation, for public consumption, which can include a name, e-mail and phone number of your primary contact at the organisation.

What you can do if you do not want us to collect your information

By using our services, you agree to Digital Hub Denmark collecting and using your information. Should you not want us to collect your data you can use the following options, or decide not to use our services.

Set your browser to reject cookies

It is always possible for you to view, modify or delete cookies stored on your computer. You may refuse to allow cookies on your computer by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser – in most browsers, you can select advanced cookie settings under internet options and add this domain to the list of websites from which to block cookies. Be aware that without cookies you may not be able to use all the website features.

OBS: Since we track website usage information as presented above, selecting “Do not Track” options provided by your browser may not have any effect on us collecting certain information. To completely “opt-out” of the collection of information through cookies or other tracking technologies is to actively manage the settings on your browser to delete and disable cookies and other tracking/recording tools. Be advised that this specific mode of protecting your data can be useless, due to the fact that not all tracking technologies can be controlled by your browser.

Do not sign up for an account/ close your existing account. Do not sign up for our newsletters/ unsubscribe from our newsletters.

This is information that you provide to us autonomously. You can contact to erase already collected personal information about you.

Know your rights

If you are located in certain countries, including those that fall under the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), data protection laws give you rights with respect to your personal data, subject to any exemptions provided by the law, including the rights to:

  • Request access to your personal data;
  • Request correction or deletion of your personal data;
  • Object to our use and processing of your personal data;
  • Request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data; and
  • Request portability of your personal data.
  • EU individuals also have the right to make a complaint to a government supervisory authority.

Changes to this statement

Digital Hub Denmark reserves the unilateral right to update, modify, change and alter our privacy policy. All such updates, modifications, changes and alterations are binding on all users and browsers of the Digital Hub Denmark Site.

Contact us for questions on our privacy policy

If you have questions regarding this policy or Digital Hub Denmark, or to relay any concern regarding the respect of your privacy, please send correspondence to us at or